Board of Members

Mrs. Roma Jha
General Secretary
Roma Jha is a committed woman for woman for children’s development programs. She is social activist with 13 years of experience in the Women & Childe development programs. She was nominated as general secretary of “The Salvation of Nations Ministry” in year 2016 with collective decision of respective board. She is graduated in bachelor of social work from Indira Gandhi Open University and done the master in social work. She made significant contribution in the society especially among the women & child of the slums, and continues to doing the same.

Mrs. Niharika Das
Vice President
She is a dedicated woman for social development work, especially in the field of women empowerment and prevention of domestic violence. She has completed her master in social work from Indira Gandhi National Open University. She has made mass contribution for women empowerment work through many esteemed non-government organization. She get elected and appointed as vice-president of the organization in 2016.

Mr. Satish Paswan
Joint Secretary
Mr. Satish Paswan is devoted and committed man of God for social empowerment & development programs. He is one of our founding member of “The Salvation of Nations Ministry; at present he is on chair of Join-secretary of the Organization. He is a social & spiritual activist of 15 years of experience in the social development programs. He has made substantial contribution in the society especially among the downtrodden, marginalized communities and slums.

Mr. Ganesh
Mr. Ganesh Kumar is dedicated and well decorated person for charity and social work programs. He is also one of our founding member of “The Salvation of Nations Ministry”; at present he is on chair of treasurer for this Organisation. He has heart with grace & compassion for the poor, supressed people of our country. He has completed his master in social work from Indira Gandhi National Open University. He is the owner of Ganesh trading company, and he has nature to help & serve poor & needy people.

Mr. Rohit Jha
Mr. Rohit Jha is committed and called person for the service of the marginalized communities. He is one of our Board member of “The Salvation of Nations Ministry” at present he hold the membership of this organization. He has been actively involved for the social development & community mobilization of poor & deprived people of the society with the experience of 10 years. He has done his graduation in arts and also theology from University of Delhi.