Desk of President

The Salvation of Nations Ministry – TSNM, India comprising of dedicated social work belief, “There are miles to go before we sleep, we have just made started out in life.” “Of course it is not personal lives; it is the lives of millions & millions of poor, needy, marginalized, underprivileged, and downtrodden all of whom needed their lives to be equipped and enlightened.”
This is Rev. Raj Babu Jha, I was born in lower middle class family in the small village of Bihar (Kothiya). But it was fortune for me to have my primary, secondary & higher education in Delhi. While I was growing in my childhood; I could realize that poverty is a curse for all humanity. Because of this people are dying in sickness, starving for food, they are illiterate and jobless, they are suppressed by corruption and social injustice etc. And I personally experienced because I was the one among them and lived early age of my life among large section of poor, needy, marginalized and underprivileged community or societies. Today all people are getting encountered with corruption, domestic-violence, social injustice, poverty, and unemployment etc.
So that, I decided to serve all such people in our country and help them to live their life with dignity and respect. Because “All human are created in image & likeness of God, and it is great deed to share the love of their creator God with everyone”. With this thought and inspiration “The Salvation of Nations Ministry” (TSNM-INDIA) was established; this is a faith based Christian humanitarian non-government charitable organization.
Well..! Again I would assure you that “The Salvation of Nations Ministry” will continue to serve people with the great commitment on the same objectives with which it has born and voyaged its journey until or unless its goals is achieved.
Also, I am looking ahead for support and help from different government or non-government officials and functionaries for the organization to attaining its goal.
The working environment and working attitudes/Nature of members, staff, and volunteers of the organization also need a mention as they help to create a good, healthy and amicable working environment throughout the years.

Rev. Raj Babu Jha
The Salvation of Nations Ministry